Occupations | HackerRank
Pivot the Occupation column so the Name of each person in OCCUPATIONS is displayed underneath their respective Occupation.
Pivot the Occupation column in OCCUPATIONS so that each Name is sorted alphabetically and displayed underneath its corresponding Occupation. The output column headers should be Doctor, Professor, Singer, and Actor, respectively.
Note: Print NULL when there are no more names corresponding to an occupation.
Input Format
The OCCUPATIONS table is described as follows:

Occupation will only contain one of the following values: Doctor, Professor, Singer or Actor.
min(case when occupation = 'Doctor' then name end) 'Doctor',
min(case when occupation = 'Professor' then name end) 'Professor',
min(case when occupation = 'Singer' then name end) 'Singer',
min(case when occupation = 'Actor' then name end) 'Actor'
from (select *, row_number() over (partition by occupation order by name) rn
from occupations) t
group by rn
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Occupations | HackerRank
Pivot the Occupation column so the Name of each person in OCCUPATIONS is displayed underneath their respective Occupation.
Pivot the Occupation column in OCCUPATIONS so that each Name is sorted alphabetically and displayed underneath its corresponding Occupation. The output column headers should be Doctor, Professor, Singer, and Actor, respectively.
Note: Print NULL when there are no more names corresponding to an occupation.
Input Format
The OCCUPATIONS table is described as follows:

Occupation will only contain one of the following values: Doctor, Professor, Singer or Actor.
min(case when occupation = 'Doctor' then name end) 'Doctor',
min(case when occupation = 'Professor' then name end) 'Professor',
min(case when occupation = 'Singer' then name end) 'Singer',
min(case when occupation = 'Actor' then name end) 'Actor'
from (select *, row_number() over (partition by occupation order by name) rn
from occupations) t
group by rn
'SQL > MySQL' 카테고리의 다른 글
[MySQL/HackerRank] New Companies (0) | 2023.08.29 |
[MySQL/HackerRank] Binary Tree Nodes (0) | 2023.08.29 |
[MySQL/HackerRank] The Report (0) | 2023.08.29 |
[MySQL/HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 5 (0) | 2023.08.29 |
[MySQL/HackerRank] Draw The Triangle 2 (0) | 2023.08.29 |